Gear Fit 2 Pro Does It Track Sleep UPDATED

Gear Fit 2 Pro Does It Track Sleep

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  • #1
Does anyone that owns the Gear S2 know if it'southward possible to record sleep information on it? The specific feature I'thousand looking for is the one on the Gear Fit and Fitbit Flex.
  • #ii
It's supposed to exist able to, but I oasis't been able to get it to work. Supposedly information technology auto detects slumber, but information technology just told me I was inactive for 9+ hours, and not actually tracking sleep. There isn't a way to tell it to track sleep on the watch, and in the S Health app it doesn't show as a sleep tracking device in the list of devices.
  • #3
There are some bugs in the s health awarding, Samsung said at that place would be an update to address this at the tails finish of the week.
  • #four
It'due south supposed to be able to, but I haven't been able to get it to work. Supposedly information technology motorcar detects sleep, merely it just told me I was inactive for nine+ hours, and not actually tracking sleep. There isn't a way to tell information technology to runway slumber on the sentry, and in the S Health app it doesn't testify as a sleep tracking device in the list of devices.

Cool, thanks for the answer. So far I haven't been able to notice whatsoever info on whether is does or doesn't track sleep. from what you're proverb it looks like information technology doesn't. Cheers over again for the info bro.
  • #v
There are some bugs in the s health application, Samsung said there would be an update to accost this at the tails end of the week.

Can yous post a webpage link every bit to where y'all become this data. For the past couple days I've searching all over the spider web looking for info in this, and I haven't been able to find anything. Cheers
  • #half dozen
A tier iii support rep from Samsung relayed this information to me over the phone. The merely thing nosotros can practice is manually record sleeping patterns and expect for updates.
Can yous mail service a webpage link as to where yous become this information. For the past couple days I've searching all over the web looking for info in this, and I haven't been able to find anything. Thanks
  • #seven
Cool, thanks for the info. Much appreciated.
  • #eight
There are some bugs in the s health application, Samsung said there would be an update to address this at the tails terminate of the week.

A tier 3 support rep from Samsung relayed this information to me over the telephone. The but matter we can do is manually tape sleeping patterns and wait for updates.

Any further information on this equally yet?
  • #9
Unfortunately nil withal. It appears that Samsung provides false information to the customer to buy them more time. I will telephone call support back later today and demand some answers.
Whatsoever further information on this as yet?
  • #10

I recall it being marketed as one of the features, withal specs on Best Buy say "No" to Sleep Tracking.
No mention of it in the manual either.

I promise they add it in an update.

Not a bargain billow but definitely disappointing.

Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk

  • #xi
we will have dont worry :)
  • #12
we volition have dont worry :)
What do you mean?
Are yous saying that the Gear S2 volition definitely take sleep tracking?
If so, how tin y'all exist sure.

Pitiful, I'chiliad new to this forum so apologies if you develop for Samsung etc...

I did find an app chosen GNight which may exercise the job but seems a fleck clunky.

Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk

  • #thirteen
What do you hateful?
Are you saying that the Gear S2 will definitely have sleep tracking?
If and then, how can y'all exist certain.

Sorry, I'one thousand new to this forum so apologies if you develop for Samsung etc...

I did find an app chosen GNight which may do the job simply seems a chip clunky.

Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk

no, i run across at present he dont accept.. but in gear shop in the future we tin downloading any app for this..

PD: sorry my english i live in kingdom of spain

  • #xiv
After seeing a bunch of reviews on the Gear S2 all talking about how you could use this watch for sleep tracking I finally decided to try it terminal nighttime. I accept just had mine for the past couple of days, and so had not tried it yet. Not only did it not track anything regarding sleep, it kept buzzing me throughout the night occasionally telling me to get up and movement considering I had been "inactive". Really Samsung?!! Thanks. I hope they get this fixed soon. Information technology seems like it would exist easy to practise as I know they have other devices that do this, and they already have the capability in Gear managing director.

I am nevertheless debating about the utility of this vs the new Microsoft Band 2 when it comes out, and then I hope that they (Samsung) will get this right.

  • #15
G'night watch app tracks sleep on Gear s2

There's an app on the Gear store chosen G'Night that records sleep information from the watch -- you have to ready information technology when you lot go to bed -- but so far the data is stuck alone on the watch. You go a graph and a few bits of info near your slumber, but it's not withal integrated with Southward-Health or anything else as far every bit I can tell.

  • #16
After seeing a bunch of reviews on the Gear S2 all talking near how you could employ this watch for sleep tracking I finally decided to endeavor it last dark. I have only had mine for the by couple of days, and and so had not tried it yet. Not only did it non rail anything regarding slumber, it kept buzzing me throughout the night occasionally telling me to get up and move because I had been "inactive". Really Samsung?!! Thank you. I promise they get this fixed soon. It seems like it would be piece of cake to do as I know they have other devices that do this, and they already have the capability in Gear manager.

I am yet debating about the utility of this vs the new Microsoft Band 2 when information technology comes out, and then I promise that they (Samsung) volition get this right.

I'm also quite peeved that sleep tracking is not included especially after existence marketed that way.
Samsung has not responded to my questions about it.

As for buzzing during the night while yous're wearing information technology, you need to pull the top drawer down and select Do Not Disturb mode.
This stops all notifications except alarms and prevents the screen coming on.

The screen still comes on if you rotate the bezel (really should be disabled in DND mode) or push the buttons.

Does anyone know the best place to report these bugs where Samsung will listen?

Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk

Concluding edited:
  • #17
Information technology's very bed actually. I exercise like this watches only... no sleep tracking?
Very-very dissapointing.
  • #18
Confirmed - NO sleep tracking

My chat with customer support:
Chat Information Please wait for a Samsung Agent to respond.
Chat InformationYou are at present chatting with 'Nikhil S'. The reference number for this conversation is xxxxxxxxx. At that place will be a cursory survey at the cease of our chat to share feedback on my performance today.
Nikhil S: Hi, cheers for contacting Samsung Technical Support. How may I aid yous today?
John: But a heads upwardly, I take a Gear S2 Classic, no option on the menu for that
Nikhil S: Please go ahead with your inquiry. I volition do my best to assist you John.
John: I am trying to figure out how to track slumber with this watch
John: Can you help me with that?
Nikhil S: I will do my best to help you with the information.
Nikhil South: May I know the model number of the Gear? You can find information technology on the rear console or the Box of purchase.
John: model number: SM-R732
Nikhil Due south: Cheers for the model number.
Nikhil Due south: May I know the verbal query on the slumber choice in the device?
John: I would like to track slumber but similar other smart watches
John: information technology does non seem to do it
John: I have S Health on my telephone, and added a goal to runway sleep
John: but nil shows up
John: other watches you lot signal that you are starting your sleep (merely like you lot indicate when you start exercise) and it tracks it
John: this gear s2 does not have an selection to start slumber
John: and S Health did non option information technology up
Nikhil S: Let me bank check that for you chop-chop.
Nikhil South: I have checked the information for you and the option of tracking sleep in the device is not available.
John: And so, what does information technology mean that it has a "24 60 minutes" activity tracker?
John: If I sleep viii hours a mean solar day, what is it tracking so?
Nikhil S: That would be with the Due south-health application
John: I know that
John: What is is tracking for 24 hours?
John: Why would I vesture this at night?
Nikhil S: The activity tracks your exercise status. Information technology tracks and lists the inactive period when you lot start the Exercise apps on your Gear.
Nikhil Southward: For case, the Gear S2 volition vibrate to remind you you lot've been sitting down for almost an hour and also give you the time you lot've been inactive also every bit agile
John: Yes, I run into that
John: Ok, so it is not truly a 24 hour activeness monitor
John: The advertising is extremely misleading
John: I am not blaming yous, appreciate the help
John: I would like you to laissez passer my feedback forth to whomever would have it
Nikhil Due south: Thank you lot for agreement John.
John: This seems to exist something that should be built into the app
Nikhil Due south: You can give us the feedback in the website.
Nikhil S: You would take the option of feedback on the top
Nikhil South: <samsung support website>
Nikhil S: Delight let me know if you are able to admission the above link.
Nikhil S: You lot would find the option of feedback on the top of the page.
John: yes I am
John: will exercise, cheers
Nikhil South: You're welcome. Is there anything else I can assist you with?
John: No, that is all.
Nikhil S: Thank you for contacting Samsung Technical Support, we appreciate your business organisation. If you ever demand to contact u.s. in the future, please salvage and reference this conversation transcript ID xxxxxx. Please provide usa with your feedback, so we may serve y'all better by clicking on the blue "X" button to receive the transcript of your conversation and fill out a brief survey. Have a great day!
Chat InformationChat session has been terminated past the Samsung Agent.

  • #xix
So any updates regarding sleep tracking for S2 Gear (archetype)? Ive sended a request to samsung support, how far they are with making information technology compatible for our S2 Gears.
  • #20
Talking today to Dutch NL Back up chat. They couldnt even tell anything on updates and stuff about S-Health. Were did you guys contact. Is there noway nosotros tin get in touch with someone who know this at Samsung?

I even so have to expect my mail enquiry. Will let you know.

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Gear Fit 2 Pro Does It Track Sleep UPDATED

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